Complex Input Nodes

Often we'll want nodes to contain complex data structures and present efficient interfaces to any dependents.

Let's take the example we used earlier to demonstrate how to clean a node:

struct Post {
    id: i64,
    // ... your fields go here

// This node allows dependencies to iterate only values which have changed
// since the graph was last resolved.
#[derive(Value, Default)]
struct Posts {
    // Keep track of all the posts we've seen.
    all_posts: HashMap<i64, Post>,
    // Track which data has changed since the last time we resolved this
    // node. Don't worry about how we populate this for now.
    changed_post_ids: Vec<i64>,
    generation: usize,

impl Clean for Posts {
    fn clean(&mut self) {
        // We _must_ clean up any temporary state used to track changes.

impl Posts {
    // This public method can be called by any dependency of `Posts` to
    // iterate only the new/changed values.
    pub fn iter_changed(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Post> + '_ {
        self.changed_post_ids.iter().map(|key| &self.all_posts[key])

We can add the implementation of UpdateInput to this struct:

impl UpdateInput for Posts {
    // The type of data this node receives from _outside_ the graph.
    type Update = Post;

    fn update_mut(&mut self, post: Self::Update) {
        // Add the post ID to the list of changed posts.

        // Add the post to the map of posts.
        self.all_posts.insert(, post);

        // Increment the generation counter.
        self.generation += 1;

We're now able to provide Posts to an InputNode.

// We can now create an `InputNode` from our `Posts` struct.
let posts = InputNode::new(Posts::default());

// `posts` is an `Rc`, so after cloning it in to a graph, we can still
// get shared access to it.
posts.update(Post { id: 42 }).unwrap();

let value = posts.value().unwrap();
let changed: Vec<_> = value.iter_changed().collect();

assert_eq!(changed.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(changed[0].id, 42);